Protection of railings, screws, shafts and other delicate parts of machine tools is guaranteed by the application of our bellows. The endless feasable shapes, low costs, reduced size, high speed operation , water-proof construction and resistance to high temperature of our bellows are the best way to protect machine tools rails. The high selected fabrics assure great protection against wear from chips, coolants aggression and folding endurance.
- They have been designed to withstand the impact and the high temperature of glowing chips (+900°). The stainless steel fins fitted to each fold have this function.
- The stainless steel fins fitted to each fold have this function. They can be either oscillating or fixed type.
- The oscillating fins are applied to those bellows which, in their compressed position, force the fins to make a 90° outward rotation.
- The fixed fins are applied to those bellows which, in their compressed position do not meet any encumbrance on the machine. In this case we have more prevention from infiltration of small chips due to excellent adhesion between each other fins.
- It has no internal metal parts which falling onto slideways may cause serious damage to machines
1) Thermal welded bellow
2) Stainless steel metal fins
3) Fastening plate
- Fixed Metal Fins
- Oscillating Metal Fins
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